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On the occasion of Yom HaZikaron, to mark the fallen soldiers of the IDF and the victims of terrorist acts, CAMERA employees chose to share about several out of the tens of thousands who have fallen over the years. May they rest in peace. #thisiszionism 

לרגל יום הזיכרון לחללי צה”ל ונפגעי פעולות הטרור, בחרו עובדי CAMERA לשתף על כמה חללים מתוך עשרות האלפים שנפלו במהלך השנים. יהי זכרם ברוך.

Edit: Michael Levine should be spelled “Levin”

#idf #cameraoncampus #camerauk #cameraoncampusuk #cameraoncampusisrael #yomhazikaron #israeliholidays #october7 #maytheirmemorybeablessing #fortheirmemory
Share your Zionist story. Visit 🇮🇱 #thisiszionism 

שתפו את הסיפור הציוני שלכם. הצטרפו לקמפיין שלנו בקישור

#cameraoncampus #cameraoncampusuk #cameraoncampusisrael #camerauk #zionism #zionist #israel #amyisraelchai #zionists
Rachael’s family escaped from antisemitic persecution in Iran. Today, she faces the same ages-old hatred in the form of anti-Zionism at her university. Despite the lack of historical literacy of her campus community, our UC Berkeley CAMERA Fellow is determined to set the record straight. #ThisIsZionism

#cameraoncampus #cameraoncampusisrael #zionism #zionist #ucberkeley #berkeley #mizrahistories #iran #israel
Now more than ever, we must stand up against those who want to usurp and misrepresent Zionism. We will do just that by being proud, unapologetic, and showing you what Zionism really is through our annual #ThisisZionism campaign. Learn more on 🇮🇱 

כעת, יותר מתמיד, עלינו להתייצב מול אלו שרוצים לגזול ולשבש את המושג ציונות. אנחנו הולכים להתגאות, לא להתנצל, ולהראות לכם מהי באמת ציונות באמצעות הקמפיין השנתי שלנו #ThisisZionism. למידע נוסף בקרו באתר

#cameraoncampus #cameraoncampusuk #camerauk #cameraoncampusisrael #zionism #israel #truthaboutisrael #antisemitism #antizionismisantisemitism
Have you ever heard someone claim all Jews are “white?” The Jewish community begs to differ.

Last weekend at the @cameraoncampus conference, students from the US, the UK, and Israel came together in Boston to learn about Israel, Jewish identity, and acquire skills to engage in healthy dialogue about these topics on campus. Students bonded over their diverse yet interconnected backgrounds and created friendships that will help them highlight the truth about Zionism in their communities.

#cameraoncampus #cameraconference #camerauk #cameraoncampusuk #zionism #thisiszionism #zionist #mizrahistories #jewishcommunity #truthaboutisrael
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